A Starburst Warrior Speaks Out

     I asked Mr. Rose to re-post this text because I think my 29 years of fighting for treatment of my seven diagnosed intractable pain conditions, I might convey enough emotion to make you understand your future suffering is guaranteed if we cannot change this immoral attack on us!   
      When some billionaire thought he could make a mountain of money if he could force all people that take opioids into New National-Chain Drug Detox and Recovery Centers with the guarantee of government funding from the 8.5 billion earmarked from the “Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018”, that passed last year.  That is an ocean of money against us.
      I had my medication cut below a functional level four years ago here in VA and WV.  It appears to us most of the rest of the country has medication lowered below tolerable levels or suspended, only within the last two years. 
      You all that have 2.7 doses of pain medication to cover 6 to 8 chronic pain episodes per day, know in your hearts that this attack will all not stop until aHigh Court Judge tells The United States Government and U.S. Society, that it is unconstitutional to treat the disabled in this manner. 
       For those thinking of filing in a State, Mr. Rose has assembled a marvelous set of instructions to follow to get it submitted. 
      You simply need to look at it as a Cook Book.  Take one step at a time.  It is as easy as baking a cake!  Do each step in order and check it off.   Plead for the Notary and Court Clerk to help you “get my life back”, and let them see your suffering.  These people have compassion in side most of them.
      If you are ashamed of filing __________, don’t be.  We had a comfortable retirement until this started happening.  Now we spend all of our money trying to survive this horrible thing.   The process for the _________ is the same as the rest.  Just follow the directions.  We told the Court Clerk that all our money is spend trying to survive what our complaint is concerning.  Then she could not do enough for us to make sure we did it correctly and got it submitted.   We had to hand write the Cover Letter on their “Form”, but they helped with that as well.
       We are predominately bed-fast, and we were able to file WV State in one day.  If it takes a few days, that is fine too.  But folks, you have to realize our opinion is that we cannot stop what they are doing to us unless we have an overwhelming show of numbers, and States, in this outstanding Law Suit given to us by Mr. Rose.    
       Perhaps you are not suffering as bad as us, but take our word for it, they will not stop cutting opioid therapy until eradication and we are stuck in a Recovery Center!  You should know the CDC expanded the definition of “addicted” to include us all as “opioid use disorder”, so you are already considered an addict!
     In our opinion, this is the cause everyone has been looking for with the best [ and possibly only ] chance of stopping this Human Rights Disaster!!!   Douglas Hughes, 68 years old.


  1. Mr. Hughes, thank you so much for sharing your story. It's heartbreaking to hear about all of these injustices being done to chronic pain patients, all in the name of money. I must say, I'm not at all satisfied with Senator Casey's response. He clearly is just running with the same narrative that got us into this position. Are there bad doctors out there using opioids for their own gain? Of course! But the majority of the problems we have in regards to addiction, did not start in a doctor's office.

    I cannot agree with you more, that Operation Starburst has finally given us the hope we need to fight for our lives. It seems everything else we've tried has fallen on deaf ears. I am so thankful for what Robert has done, and cannot thank him enough for his hard work. Together, we WILL win this. Every state must find that one hero, person with amazing strength and courage, to step forward and demand change through Operation Starburst and through the Judicial system. For those of us fortunate enough to have that hero, such as yourself, and Krystle Doherty in Florida, we must do our part and follow the Motion to Join!

    God Bless you Mr. Hughes! Through your strength, and those who've already filed or join in the Motion, we will find success.

    Linda Mitchell

  2. Dear Ms. Dollar,

    I'm certain Senator Bob Casey, (D-PA), has your best interests at heart based on the amount of money he receives from the healthcare industry to continue the falsified crisis. His family and he lives comfortably while we continue: "Please Sir, May we have some more." Much more to be revealed when we get Starburst complaint filed in Pennsylvania! Much more!

    Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)
    Elected 2006 – 2018
    Estimated net of: $668,509 in 2014
    $636,508 in 2015

    Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
    Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

    Small Sample of Political Contributions in 2018
    Lawyers/Law Firms $4,589,721
    Retired $1,840,583
    Investments $1,376,068
    Real Estate $1,106,765
    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $966,605
    Health Professionals $834,311
    Lobbyists $696,805
    Insurance $615,830
    Hospitals/Nursing Homes $546,232
    Democratic/Liberal $500,375
    Leadership PACs $448,700
    Health Services/HMOs $341,530
    Non-Profits $330,189
    Manufacturing/Distribution $278,157
    TOTAL: $14,471,871.00

    Source: www.opensecrets.com


    Robert D. Rose Jr.
    BSW, MEd. USMC
    Semper Fidelis

  3. Unknown, I am a PA resident also. I received the exact email from Casey. I would be interested in speaking with you. You may email me at jschneider0827@gmail.com

  4. Government decided, the only way to stop overdoses from illicit fentanyl, is to stop exposure to pain medication. They are going to remove pain management pain medication from our health benefits. I see the CDC and FDA now restricting Valium, Xanax, muscle relaxers. Why? To force people to the streets? To rehab? To Suboxone? follow the $.

  5. Just took a deep breath...waiting to exhale. All these sites for chronic pain sufferers of which I'm one, all the disagreements, doing nothing but complaining and I found you. Thank you for an intelligent & informative place to come & learn. I'm old & have been in pain for 25 yrs; the opiate debacle has rendered me now a total cripple where before I carried on with the help of meds. I hope to come & learn here from all of you.


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