Time For a New Approach

As a Christian and a United States Marine, I believe in our Constitution enough to trust the Judicial Branch to reign in Congressional policies which have demonstrated zero humanity or compassion toward the American people. These policies written by elected officials deny Americans today and future generations the ability to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In the United States today, we have over 100 million Americans, the elderly, cancer patients, disabled, veterans, minorities, et cetera, who suffer from Chronic Pain Disease. These men and women are our families, our loved ones, our neighbors. The time to defend them is upon fearless warriors willing to take a leap of faith.
It would be so awesome to participate in every Chronic Pain Rally, planned or unplanned, but how is that possible when so many of us are now unable to leave to our homes & beds? I would love to complete every petition, answer every open comment period by governmental agencies, but we must ask: “what have these accomplished? “Who in government has listened?” Not even President Trump understands the serious implications of the policies he signs into laws presented by Congress. The very people America placed their trust in, continue to write legislation which destroys the very fabric of America today, and the future generations promised to our children.
However, men and women across the country have already begun planting their feet in defiance with one united voice. These heroes have filed a #Starburst complaint with more joining them daily. Their bravery allows every American the opportunity to stand together in defense of the principals which made America great. With each new Motion to Join, Americans honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much for the country we love. Each new “Motion to Join” filed by individuals in his/her state and those #Starburst complaints filed across the nation, we stand together as one American making the burden of proof by the government that much more difficult ignore.
Martin Luther King's dream is my dream: all people working together as equals to bring about change. John F. Kennedy's question remains ringing as loudly today as when he first uttered the famous words.
“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you —ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.” John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
Ultimately, the Judicial Branch will be forced to decide on the abuses perpetrated by our government. As Chronic Pain Patients, our only option is to unite not in the streets of the nation's capital but through the Judicial Branch. #Starburst removes the years of protests as Americans join together to be a part of the greatest movement of this century. After the success of the Civil Rights movement of the ’50s & ’60s, years later you still hear proud Americans announcing "I was there in Selma," "I was there for the "I have a dream" speech." In the coming years, we will have people proudly proclaiming to their grandchildren; "I was a part of #Starburst!" "I was friends with Cindy; the first American to stand in Arizona against government interference of our healthcare."
The #Starburst complaint will expose how politicians, Republican & Democrats, have sold out the American people to big pharma, to drug rehab. It will result in many investigations and early retirements as long as we stay the course. It will forever solidify the premise of government for the people, by the people.
My only prayer is that we can work together to accomplish these goals. The naysayers and those in this fight only for recognition must not divide us or cause of to stray from our goals. Many of you are no different from my wife and me: we either end these policies, or we die. I for one REFUSE to go out without fighting tooth and nail for my family, my Marines, my Country.
Much luv, soft hugs, and many prayers.


Robert D. Rose Jr.
Semper Fidelis
We defended your freedoms...
Will you support America in her time of need?



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