Arizona Listen Up

We need people CALLING news outlets throughout Arizona to report Honorable John J. Tuchi, Federal Judge for the District of Arizona. Explicitly, the way he’s attempting to dismiss “sua sponte" the Federal Court case 2:19-cv-00043-PHX-JJT - Colbert-Hock v. United States of America et al.  This action would deny the citizens of Arizona the opportunity to describe the horrible effects the Arizona Opioid Prescribing Guidelines 2014, the second edition 2018, and with the new provisions of the Arizona Opioid Epidemic Act taking effect January 2019 have had in their lives. This type of dismissal is more distressing as it appears the Honorable Judge Tuchi is attempting to sweep the damage done by overzealous legislation under the rug as he only provided Cindy Hook, a pro se litigant, ten (10) calendar days to respond with an amended complaint or all her hard work merely disappears.

At present we are searching for an Arizona law similar to the provisions of 28 U.S.C. 2679(d), which allows the Federal Court to approve the substitution of the United States in place of a specifically named defendant. IE: Instead of listing the Governor, Doug Ducey, and current members of the Arizona House of Representatives & Senate; as previously done in the original complaint, we can list the defendant as the State of Arizona & Attorney General for Arizona, Mark Brnovich.

Otherwise, there are going to be a bunch of pissed off politicians next week in Arizona when Cindy files her amended complaint to include the following!
Arizona House of Representatives
T. J. Shope, Speaker pro Tempore
Warren Petersen, Majority Leader
Becky Nutt, Majority Whip
Charlene Fernandez, Minority Leader
Arizona Senate
Karen Fann, President
Rick Gray, Majority Leader
Sonny Borrelli, Majority Whip
Eddie Farnsworth, President Pro Tempore
David Bradley, Minority Leader
Lupe Contreras, Assistant Minority Leader
Lisa Otondo, Minority Whip
Jamescita Peshlakai, Minority Whip
I feel all Americas deserve their day in Court when such abuses occur to our Constitutional Rights. Moreover, Cindy, (a truly fantastic woman w/an awesome supportive husband) can tell you that everything the Honorable Judge Tuchi cites as a reason for his dismissing the case with such short notice is provided in-depth on the Civil Cover Page and inside the #Starburst Complaint. All the citations & legal precedents are well established & documented from start to finish.

Even more amazing is that Cindy and Maggi Martin over in Washington State both took a colossal LEAP of FAITH in the Judicial Branch of government to right these wrongs as the first two ladies to file the complaint not knowing if anyone would follow suit later. It is just mindboggling to this Marine that any judge would usurp Americans abilities to address grievances against our government in such a fashion. Still, I cannot express the amount of admiration I have for these two wonderful Americans!

Much luv, soft hugs, & many prayers for them, all the #Starburst Warriors, and everyone suffering from these tyrannical measures targeting the elderly, cancer patients, the disabled, veterans, minorities... 

“Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous.” Isaiah 41-10

SickofSuffering Website - Americans Standing for America

Sick of Suffering Video – Explains the Constitutional violations and the laws being broken by these unjust laws.


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